Monday, February 24, 2014

You Are…

I think the most tumultuous time in our lives is our teenage years, and then of course living through our CHILDREN’S teenage years.

Think back when you were going through that transformation. We didn’t realize it then but we desperately wanted to “fit in” with others, even if we weren’t like them. We had both physical and emotional changes going on. We thought we knew everything and rarely gave credence to the wisdom of our parents because “times were different then”.

It is no difference for the children of today or those of the future. The thing is we need to establish the type of relationship with them that they can share their feelings with us without fear embarrassment or judgment.

This is the time that the enemy uses to plant self-doubt, low self-esteem and discouragement into their lives. If they do not have us telling them the truth about who they are, they can start to believe the negative. So always try to be encouraging and uplifting to teenagers…because no one needs it more than they do. Even if they are expressing themselves uniquely, find something positive to say to them. They may not show it but it will mean the world to them.

Have a blessed and positive day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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