Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Be Ready For Combat...

I am a firm believer in hand to hand combat. We do not need to fight in the flesh; we just need to bring our troubles into the spiritual realm. When we stop, drop and pray we are causing ripples in the spiritual realm that will soon manifest in the natural. We also gain strength and wisdom on how to handle ourselves when we are face to face to face with our enemies, both in the natural and in the spirit realms.

Fight with prayer, Believe in faith that God has anticipated and already answered  our prayer, and then thank Him with praises of thanksgiving. Fight, Believe, Win and Praise God! That is all it takes, aside of waiting for God’s perfect timing. That is the hardest part for most of us (especially me) but a very important part nonetheless. We are equipped with all the winning moves; you just have to execute them! So always be ready to hit the battlefield in combat.

Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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