Sunday, February 2, 2014

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies...

You may think that it is ok to lie and deceive other people. You justify your actions according to you needs. However, there is something you should take into consideration.  Just because they may appear to be oblivious to the deception, does not that it is true.

Sometimes people will choose to ignore lies and deception because they love you and do not want to embarrass you by letting on they know. Or perhaps they have tried to address it in the past and have come to the conclusion that confronting you would be futile. Either way, the only person being fooled is you.

There are times when some people are gullible and never see anything come their way. You may think they were an easy mark but I assure you that NOTHING escapes the eyes and ears of God. He will defend them. You know what that means…again, the only person being fooled is you.

Whether you are the deceiver or the one being deceived be assured that the truth always prevails. Have a blessed and honest day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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