Friday, February 28, 2014

Break the Chains and Let Go…

You do not have to live in the shadow of negative things that people have said to or about you. Words do have power that is a fact. Another fact is that we have the power to break the negative words and curses that have been spoken against us.

When we belong to God, He gives us the protection not only to fight against the enemy but power to win! This is not something that we should take lightly. We need to give Him all our troubles and worries then we will be free to go about doing the job He has created us to do!

We do not need to worry about things when He has promised to take care of us. How insulted would you be if you tell your children that you will take care of something but instead of trusting you to take care of it, they sat and worried about it to the point that they weren’t doing what they were supposed to be doing something?

Have a blessed day and know that God is in control, my friend. May you always have Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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