Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Difference between Girls and Women

It never fails to amuse me when I am watching a young and/or immature women demand respect. They are very dramatic and attention seeking…it is almost like watching a production of a bad high school play!

A mature woman is not attention seeking…she is someone that has grown with experience on how to handle herself in different situations. She knows how to listen, how to respond with kindness, how to defuse an intense situation. She does not have to demand respect, she has earned and commands respect!

Unfortunately, age is not the deciding factor when someone matures. It is a direct result of how you learn from your prior actions that matter. We all make mistakes and we all learn at a different pace. However, if we embrace the lesson and try to improve the next time, we are taking a step on the stairway to maturity.

Have a blessed and mature day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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