Thursday, February 13, 2014

Faith Building Blocks

Faith is built one brick at a time. There needs to be a solid foundation so when the structure is shaken it does not come crumbling down. When we go through different things spiritually, physically, mentally or emotionally we create bricks with the outcome. Then we are able to start putting them together and building on them.

It is not as important as to how fast you build your faith as it is that it is built with a solid foundation. When we have bricks that were made fast and without the right stuff are not solid bricks. Bricks that are not built on faith but on dependence of anyone or anything other than God can crack and start to break apart. Only allow the use of the highest quality materials to be your foundation.

Have a blessed and brick building day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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