Thursday, February 27, 2014

Highly Trained Warriors

Do not judge anyone by their looks because looks are deceiving. Some people might seem to be too young with no real experience in life. Just starting to discover themselves and have not matured yet.
Others may seem to be revolved around work, their families, friends and/or themselves to know what is going on around them.

While others may have bodies that seem weathered and with their strength ebbing away. Eyes that are not be as sharp as they use to be and hands not as steady as they once were.

All of these people can have one thing in common. They can be a part of God’s army. Highly trained and equipped warriors in the spiritual realm. They can fight and defeat the enemy on a daily basis. They can be prayer warriors that are changing your life without you even being aware of it!

God does not look at size, maturity, age or abilities. He looks at what we keep hidden in our hearts. What is hidden in YOUR heart?

Have a blessed day, my warrior friend. May you always have Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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