day we will all have to give an account for every word we have said. Take a
minute and think about this. Are your words defendable before God? It’s a scary
thought because I know that many of mine have not been! We should all try and
get a full understanding of Matthew 12:36, because if we did, I bet we would
all keep a guard on our tongues. Perhaps a good tool to help us would be that
whenever we are talking to someone, especially if we are upset or angry, we
should replace their face with the face of Y’shua! If you wouldn’t say it to
Him…then you shouldn’t say it at all!
should really share this verse with others because I have a feeling there are
going to be a lot of shocked people when they are asked to explain their words!
It is not only angry words that will be judged but lies, gossip, dissension,
deception, hurtful and useless as well! Remember, we will not be able to
“justify” sin, so it is best to avoid it as much as possible. We will all make
mistakes, so if you use words wrongly, apologize and make amends while you can.
can either believe what the God of truth says about you or you can believe what
the lying enemy says about you. Why is this important? Because what you believe
will dictate how you act and treat others. What you say to them and what kind
of an impact those words would have on them.
a blessed and quiet day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart
and in your home.
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