Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arise Sleepers...

By now most of us are aware that Al-Qaeda has “sleepers” strategically placed throughout the world, living among us as neighbors, co-workers, friends and acquaintances waiting for that one moment that they are called to fulfill the destiny that Satan has reserved for them. Once their mission is accomplished, many people seemed shocked because there was nothing about their behavior that gave them away as terrorists.

It seems that Satan is waking up His sleepers at an alarming rate. The sad thing is there seems to be a never ending list of sleepers dedicated to evil.

Likewise, God too has “sleepers”.  They are hidden just as deep and just as secretive as Al-Qaeda.  Like all of us, they have been given a special destiny to fulfill by God. When they are called to fulfill it, many people will be shocked because there was nothing about their behavior that gave them away as Christians.

Think about your life for a moment. Has God given you a specific job that He has been preparing you to do? Has it been so long that you have put it on the back burner because it did not happen in your timing? Has your life taken different turns that it just doesn’t seem to “fit in” with where you are now?  Is there a wee tugging at your heart that is so familiar, yet so foreign?  

God is getting ready to call us into action. You do not need to do anything but be willing and open to allow Him to work through you. It does not matter if you have not been actively working on your mission because is not your strength or abilities that are needed, just your will. He will never force you to do anything; He will only ask you and will accept whatever your answer is.

Have a blessed and destiny fulfilling day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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