Saturday, January 25, 2014

Are you using Crib Notes...

Do you remember Crib Notes from when you were in school? You could buy one for any assigned reading assignment you get. You can read a condensed synopsis of it and write a great report.  The thing is, as great as that was you never really got the whole picture of the story. The little details that added realism and humor in the story, or the things that would bring the whole thing together for you were not always in the Cliff Notes. You got just enough information to “wing it”.

Some people do the same thing with the Bible. They rely on other people’s interpretations of it. They never actually get the full beauty of what it says. When you do not take the time to actually read it for yourself, you are only cheating yourself.

It is never too late to take the time to read the bible. Look and find the treasures that await you. You will find invaluable things that will make your life so much easier. Trust me, every time you read it, no matter how many times you have read it before, you get something new out of it.

Have a blessed and bible inspired day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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