Time is running out! No one knows when Y’shua
(Jesus) is coming back to take us home with Him. All we have to do is look around, darkness is now, and has been reigning for quite some time.We need to live each day
as if He was coming in the next minute.
We do not have the time to “wait until
later” to get our lives in order with God’s Word. Many people thought that they could do the things they wanted while they were young and repents later when they were older. However, death came before they were able to make room for Y’shua in their heart...and
now, they are spending an eternity separated from Him.
Matthew 6:33 says, But
you must continually seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, than
all things will be provided for you.
Think of all your family, good friends and
other people you love. Where do you want them to spend eternity? If you know
someone is not saved, you need to tell them about Y’shua (Jesus) and minister
to them. Believe me; you do not want until they are “ready” to hear it because
that time may never come. How would you feel on judgement day, when they are sentence to eternity away from you and from God and they looked at you and asked, "Why didn't you tell me?" I for one do not want that to happen to me so I made a decision to share the truth with everyone I can.
It is great to pray for salvation for them however, you must step out and act on them too. There are a lot of ways that you can teach someone about
Y’shua. Showing kindness when they doesn’t deserve it. Helping someone when
everyone else passes them by, smiling in spite of your troubles. These
actions will open a door for Y’shua to woo them in through you.
The greatest
gift a woman can give is life to a child. The greatest gift we can do is help
others find eternal life! If you have people that you would like me to pray for as well, just email me at: pssami@worship-without-walls.com or you can message me on facebook.
May God bless you coming and going today, my friend. May
there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles &
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