Friday, January 24, 2014

Pray for Non-Believers...

I couldn't sleep last night. At first it seemed normal but as the time went on, I realized that there was trouble brewing. I do not know what it is or when it will show its face but it is stirring for sure. 

I cuddled up and started to talk to my Father. I asked Him to put a blanket of protection around all my family and friends. I thanked Him for always being there for me. The troubling feeling started to get worse and soon it had my full attention. I felt I needed to be praying for someone right then. My mind raced and I went over all the prayer requests that I have been asked to pray for.  Since, I pray for you all daily and I am always putting a hedge of protection around you and covering you with the blood of Y'shua, I know you are all safe but that feeling would not leave.

I started praying in the spirit and immediately went into warfare. I am not sure how long I prayed but when I stopped, I thought I would pass right out and sleep the rest of the night. WRONG! I knew what it was. God was telling me to pray for the people who have no one to pray for them. 

I started to think about a family of atheists. I was frightened for them because they all have family and friends like we do. People they love and would do anything for, but no one that really knows and understands the power and protection of prayer. How scary is that? I just started to lift up all the people who are in this world who had no one to pray for them. I ask God to protect them and place spirit filled people into their lives. I am asking you to please lift up anyone who has no one here to pray for them and intercede on their behalf. That is our call as Christians.

Have a blessed and thankful day that you have someone in your life who prays for you, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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