Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Jesus Wept...

Do you know what the shortest but most enlightening verse in the entire bible is? It is found in John 11:35, ‘Y’shua wept’. He is GOD and HE wept. That shows how much love He has for us. 

When He saw the sorrow of all those who were mourning for Lazarus, knowing that He was going to raise him from the dead, His heart still broke for the sorrow He watched everyone go through.   

If He could weep and be broken hearted, when He is righteous and committed no sin...EVER, why do we get so upset when we become broken hearted? We are made in His image. Many times we hold God accountable because He did not intervene immediately or stop something before it happened.  

In John 11:21 it says, Therefore Martha said to Y’shua, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died. Martha did not stop there, she did not get angry at God, she held on to her faith and said in verse 22 but now I also know that God will give You whatever You would ask.” She stated that with faith and Y’shua replied, “Your brother will rise.”    

What Y’shua was showing us here is that He was crying for the heartbreak of others.  We need to follow His example and reach out to those who are broken hearted, those giving up because it is too painful to move on, but we need to do it with the faith of Martha! 

I pray that God gives you the strength, courage and heart longing to lift the spirit of others with the promises of God! May God bless you today and keep you wrapped in His loving arms and may Shalom reign in your heart and in your home.

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