Sunday, January 26, 2014


I hope that you can find a few quiet moments today to just breathe and really appreciate your life. Don’t think of the things you have to do, or the things that are going wrong…just that fact that you have been given another day to live.

We need to take time and be grateful for the basic things in our life. Some of the best experiences I have enjoyed in my life are what I like to call my…”Simplicity at its finest” days. In case you are wondering what that really means, I will share.

Every now and then, I take a day and proclaim it a simple day. I spend the day enjoying simple pleasures. You can do anything you want as long as it is simple, does not cause you any stress. It is also a great way to balance out the day to day demands placed on you.

Personally I like to go to the park and watch kids playing and laughing…there is nothing better than listening to children laugh. When you think about it, children are simplicity at its finest. They do not have all the cares of the world placed on them so they can live in the moment and enjoy themselves. I believe that is the way God wants us all to live.

Looking back, I found that these are the days I have some of my best conversations with God because I am in an open and grateful frame of mind. I encourage you to take a simple day for yourself. Trust me; there is nothing that cannot be put on hold for one day and what you will gain is priceless.

Have a blessed and simple day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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