Friday, January 31, 2014

Just Breathe...

On days when you are struggling and overwhelmed sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine and not obsess about anything.

Just breathe and have faith that God has everything in control! Accept it as a personal test…is your faith in God greater than your assessment of your current situation?

Have a blessed day and just breathe, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Never Doubt....


When God has told you something, or promised to do something for you, do not listen to the enemy when he tries to tell you that it will never happen. God is not a man that He can lie but He watches over His Word to perform it.

We have to stand firm on what God tells us, not anyone else. Remember that God’s timing is not our timing.  Never fear whatever may happen. Where there is fear there is no faith! God is constantly and quietly leading us, guiding us. We should not try to plan because God has already planned everything out. We are the builders not the architect.

Have a blessed day, my friend and stand firm on God’s Word. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I Am Weak But God Is Strong...

Today I am not very strong at all. In fact, I am at a personal weak spot but I am determined to give God the Glory and let Him shine through me. I know that my body can be attacked and fail me causing my spirit to sink but praise God that I also know, that HE is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!

I hope everyone will keep this in mind when they are struggling with pain whether it is physical, mental or emotional. The enemy uses pain to bring us down but if we keep our eyes on Y’shua, we will see His outstretched arm giving us His strength to endure. Have a blessed and healthy day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Find Your Own Beat...

To be irreplaceable you have to be different and unique. There is no need for anyone to be a clone of another person. How can we truly appreciate ourselves if we are no different than anyone else?

Without a doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of allowing the negative influence of other people. It takes only one positive person change the energy of one thousand negative people! So, I choose to be that one! 

I guess my mom was right…I have always marched to the beat of a different drum….however, the way she said it made me think it was something bad! Silly ole me!! The truth is, I don't just march to a different beat...I march in an entirely different parade! I think this is a good thing because God can use me in different ways.

Have a positively wonderful and blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Words we say...

One day we will all have to give an account for every word we have said. Take a minute and think about this. Are your words defendable before God? It’s a scary thought because I know that many of mine have not been! We should all try and get a full understanding of Matthew 12:36, because if we did, I bet we would all keep a guard on our tongues. Perhaps a good tool to help us would be that whenever we are talking to someone, especially if we are upset or angry, we should replace their face with the face of Y’shua! If you wouldn’t say it to Him…then you shouldn’t say it at all!

We should really share this verse with others because I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of shocked people when they are asked to explain their words! It is not only angry words that will be judged but lies, gossip, dissension, deception, hurtful and useless as well! Remember, we will not be able to “justify” sin, so it is best to avoid it as much as possible. We will all make mistakes, so if you use words wrongly, apologize and make amends while you can.

You can either believe what the God of truth says about you or you can believe what the lying enemy says about you. Why is this important? Because what you believe will dictate how you act and treat others. What you say to them and what kind of an impact those words would have on them.

Have a blessed and quiet day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


I hope that you can find a few quiet moments today to just breathe and really appreciate your life. Don’t think of the things you have to do, or the things that are going wrong…just that fact that you have been given another day to live.

We need to take time and be grateful for the basic things in our life. Some of the best experiences I have enjoyed in my life are what I like to call my…”Simplicity at its finest” days. In case you are wondering what that really means, I will share.

Every now and then, I take a day and proclaim it a simple day. I spend the day enjoying simple pleasures. You can do anything you want as long as it is simple, does not cause you any stress. It is also a great way to balance out the day to day demands placed on you.

Personally I like to go to the park and watch kids playing and laughing…there is nothing better than listening to children laugh. When you think about it, children are simplicity at its finest. They do not have all the cares of the world placed on them so they can live in the moment and enjoy themselves. I believe that is the way God wants us all to live.

Looking back, I found that these are the days I have some of my best conversations with God because I am in an open and grateful frame of mind. I encourage you to take a simple day for yourself. Trust me; there is nothing that cannot be put on hold for one day and what you will gain is priceless.

Have a blessed and simple day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Are you using Crib Notes...

Do you remember Crib Notes from when you were in school? You could buy one for any assigned reading assignment you get. You can read a condensed synopsis of it and write a great report.  The thing is, as great as that was you never really got the whole picture of the story. The little details that added realism and humor in the story, or the things that would bring the whole thing together for you were not always in the Cliff Notes. You got just enough information to “wing it”.

Some people do the same thing with the Bible. They rely on other people’s interpretations of it. They never actually get the full beauty of what it says. When you do not take the time to actually read it for yourself, you are only cheating yourself.

It is never too late to take the time to read the bible. Look and find the treasures that await you. You will find invaluable things that will make your life so much easier. Trust me, every time you read it, no matter how many times you have read it before, you get something new out of it.

Have a blessed and bible inspired day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Pray for Non-Believers...

I couldn't sleep last night. At first it seemed normal but as the time went on, I realized that there was trouble brewing. I do not know what it is or when it will show its face but it is stirring for sure. 

I cuddled up and started to talk to my Father. I asked Him to put a blanket of protection around all my family and friends. I thanked Him for always being there for me. The troubling feeling started to get worse and soon it had my full attention. I felt I needed to be praying for someone right then. My mind raced and I went over all the prayer requests that I have been asked to pray for.  Since, I pray for you all daily and I am always putting a hedge of protection around you and covering you with the blood of Y'shua, I know you are all safe but that feeling would not leave.

I started praying in the spirit and immediately went into warfare. I am not sure how long I prayed but when I stopped, I thought I would pass right out and sleep the rest of the night. WRONG! I knew what it was. God was telling me to pray for the people who have no one to pray for them. 

I started to think about a family of atheists. I was frightened for them because they all have family and friends like we do. People they love and would do anything for, but no one that really knows and understands the power and protection of prayer. How scary is that? I just started to lift up all the people who are in this world who had no one to pray for them. I ask God to protect them and place spirit filled people into their lives. I am asking you to please lift up anyone who has no one here to pray for them and intercede on their behalf. That is our call as Christians.

Have a blessed and thankful day that you have someone in your life who prays for you, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

As far as East is from West...

One of the most important things that we must do to be in right standing with God, is to forgive. The bible is filled with God’s instruction and command for us to forgive others the way He forgives us.

I think many of us “gloss” over the part “the way He forgives us.” Just because we say we forgive someone does not mean that our heart has completed it. That is actually the determining fact…that our heart has completed it. Many of us have grown up hearing, “Forgive but never forget.” That has led us to hold on to the hurt which renders us unable to truly forgive.

No one wants to believe they would deliberately disobey God but in reality, that is exactly what we are doing. When God forgives us, He forgets our sins as far as east is from west (Psalm 103:12).  If that is how He forgives, then that is how we are commanded to forgive others.  He has repeatedly said this.

Many times Satan uses man’s logic to twist God’s Word making us believe that we can have it both ways. After all, we are forgiving the person and we are “holding on to the lesson” so we won’t allow ourselves to get back into that situation again. Satigan has convinced us that it is ok for us to say we are sorry but and to always remember what the person did. He knew that by doing so, we are not if God’s Word and it opens the door for unforgiveness to slip in.

Guard your heart, know the difference, do not allow Satan to trick you. You must know God’s Word and choose God’s way it is always the right and just way. It would be a unimaginable to me to find out that my sins were not actually forgiven because I did not completely forgive others. How would you feel standing before God and hearing this? You cannot say you did not know. Check your heart, is there anyone who you hold a wee resentment for, someone who repeatedly hurt you and you just cannot forgive them totally? If so ask yourself this, "Is that person worth going to hell for?"

Have a wonderful and forgiving day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arise Sleepers...

By now most of us are aware that Al-Qaeda has “sleepers” strategically placed throughout the world, living among us as neighbors, co-workers, friends and acquaintances waiting for that one moment that they are called to fulfill the destiny that Satan has reserved for them. Once their mission is accomplished, many people seemed shocked because there was nothing about their behavior that gave them away as terrorists.

It seems that Satan is waking up His sleepers at an alarming rate. The sad thing is there seems to be a never ending list of sleepers dedicated to evil.

Likewise, God too has “sleepers”.  They are hidden just as deep and just as secretive as Al-Qaeda.  Like all of us, they have been given a special destiny to fulfill by God. When they are called to fulfill it, many people will be shocked because there was nothing about their behavior that gave them away as Christians.

Think about your life for a moment. Has God given you a specific job that He has been preparing you to do? Has it been so long that you have put it on the back burner because it did not happen in your timing? Has your life taken different turns that it just doesn’t seem to “fit in” with where you are now?  Is there a wee tugging at your heart that is so familiar, yet so foreign?  

God is getting ready to call us into action. You do not need to do anything but be willing and open to allow Him to work through you. It does not matter if you have not been actively working on your mission because is not your strength or abilities that are needed, just your will. He will never force you to do anything; He will only ask you and will accept whatever your answer is.

Have a blessed and destiny fulfilling day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dress For Success....

Are you a person who likes to dress for success? Do you wear the right type of clothes for the conditions of the day? Wear a coat, scarf and gloves when it is cold or carry an umbrella when it is raining? If so, well shows that you want to be prepared and keep yourself safe from the elements.

Now in saying that, do you also do the same for your spirit? Every day we wake up and prepare to go out into a world that is growing darker and darker with evil. Are you suiting up before you go out? God knew that His chosen would need help and He gave us that help in Ephesians 6:10 -20.

From now on you must right away become strong in the Lord and in the power of His strength. You must continually be clothed with the full armor of God to enable you to stand against the strategies of the devil: because the wrestling for us is not with blood and flesh, but with the rulers, with the powers, with the world rulers of this darkness, with spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies. Because of this you must immediately take up the whole armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day and when you have completely achieved all things, to stand. Therefore you should stand, after you have girded around your waist the belt of truth and have put on the breastplate of righteousness (Isa. 11:5, 59:17) and to have put sandals on your feet in preparation for the gospel of peace, (Isa. 11:6-10, 52;7, Nah.. 1:15) in all things having taken up the long shield of faith, with which you have been enabled to extinguish all the burning arrows of the evil one: (Ps. 7:13) and you must immediately take up the helmet of salvation (Isa. 59:17) and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God. ( Isa. 11:4, 49:2, Hos. 6:5) through every prayer and entreaty, by praying always in the spirit, and being alert in Him, by means of every perseverance and entreaty concerning all the saints and on my behalf, that a word would be given to me as often as I open my mouth to speak, to make known the mystery of the Good News with boldness, concerning which I am an ambassador in chains, so that in this I would have boldness as there is need for me to speak.

When we put on the armor of God every day, we are protecting ourselves from evil. They see the armor, they know  we are soldiers of God and they will come after us with a vengance. Be not afraid, you have everything you need to win whatever battle comes your way.

Likewise, you should teach your children to put on the armor too. They need to be protected too. When they learn to protect themselves as children, they will be mighty warriors for God as adults.

Go forth in knowledge and truth this day, suited up in the whole armor of God, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Be Victorious Today...

You are in control of this day. Things may happen that you cannot control but you can and should control how you react to them. Your reaction will dictate what the outcome will be.

A smile is a great way to solve many problems however, silence is the best way to avoid them from the start. Before you open your mouth, think, pray, walk away if you are to angry to respond. Better to take a minute to collect yourself than make a move that will start a snowball reaction.

When we take control, we turn the situation into a victory instead of a disaster. So today go forth with victory in mind, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Praise Him in the Storm....

This last week has been a rough one not only for me but for a lot of those that I love as well. Though we all have been through our own personal hell...there is one thing that we have in common...we survived!      

So whether you have been struck with an illness, or your body is showing the wear and tear of years past, if you have suffered the loss of a loved one, if you are struggling with your job or if you had to watch someone you care about go through one or more of these things....take a deep breath in and praise God! Yes, you read that right, I said Praise GOD.     

Satan is running scared because his time is short and the sound on the clock winding down is magnified in his ear. He is trying to throw us off balance whatever way he can. He is hoping that we will do what some others have done before us...blame God for all our troubles and pain and give up. I for one refuse to do that...and I hope you do too. God saw us through this week, one day at a time and He will continue to take care of us. It is our responsibility to keep our faith, get into His Word and praise Him, especially during the times when we cannot feel Him near us.   

This is a new week and although we may be wearing scars from the battle, nonetheless  we are able to stand up and face another day. We have another chance to show Satan that God saw us faithfully through last week and we choose to remain faithful to the One True God!   

Just because we take a hit does NOT mean we lost the means we have come THROUGH the battle.   I speak peace, strength and mental clarity into your life today, my friend. Do not give up...Get up and continue on! May there always be shalom in your heart and in your home.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wait for His Voice...

Sometimes we get excited and start to think ahead of what God is asking us to do. We take off running, often finding ourselves off track.  Then we look around and wonder...’why has He brought me here?’      

The truth is He didn’t, YOU did. When we realize that we stepped out of His plans a half a mile ago and will have to go back to that point and start over, we often get frustrated and upset.  God does not want us to be discouraged, He allows us to do these things to teach us to wait for His direction and help us learn how to stay still in the quiet times.  

Isaiah 30:21 says ‘When you to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it”’. Even if your actions cause a setback, have no fear for every setback, God has a major comeback! Just as we encourage our children to keep going and not to give up, so our Father in Heaven cheers us on. 

Never give up because if you open yourself up to hear His voice, you will NEVER go in the wrong direction. I pray that God will bless you and your work today, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's all about Balance...

You can't upload love, you can't download time, you can't Google all of life's answers. There comes a time when you must actually live some of your life on your own!       

It does not matter how many friends you have on many people “Like” your pictures and posts, or how many pokes you get. It does not matter how important it makes you feel, looking at a computer, tablet or cell phone screen is NOT the same as actually being with the people you know and who make you feel good.     

Social media forums can be entertaining, educational, and a good way to keep in touch with family and friends that live far away from you. However, it was not designed to replace your social life.     

We should be a lot more careful about the things we share and the amount of time we spend online.  There are many people in the social media forums that are not what they portray themselves to be.  This is just another way predators find victims.  The number of web related crime has skyrocketed. This should be a major concern for parents and we should monitor what our children are doing online, who they are friending and who they are following.  

I can only imagine what a beautiful place this world would be if we would dive into the Word of God just as fast as we dive into Facebook, My Space and Twitter! When Y'shua said to follow Him...He did NOT mean on Twitter! But I do think it would be interesting to know how many people would be following Him if He was on twitter!

The same should be said about work. If you spend all your time working, thinking about work and working during your off time then you are not giving yourself the time you need to enjoy your life. Everyone should spend more time in the real world then the online world.

You don’t have to give up any of these things (especially work), just practice a little balance. Too much time spent on any one thing draws time away from something equally important. I pray that God blesses you coming and going, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Be the Light....

There will be times when someone you know, someone you held in high regard does something so contrary to their personality that it almost knocks you off your feet. You go over it a thousand times and a thousand times you come up without an answer. Your mind understands it happened but your heart is having a hard time believing it.          

What do you do, how do you react? We are told to love our neighbors as ourselves. Does this pertain to someone who has done something incredibly evil in your eyes? Yes, it does! You can love them, pray for them, intercede for them...but you do NOT have to be in their presence and have that influence around you. It is OK to keep your distance from them. As long as you can sincerely pray for someone, hatred does not have the legal right to slip in. 

We live in a world ruled by darkness but we are not subject to that darkness. We are the light of this world and we have to shine for others to see the light. We are called to live a life that will draw others to Y'shua. People judge God by how WE represent Him.            

The worst thing we could have done was create an image of the devil in a red suit with horns and a tail. It made him fictional in the eyes of many. It is true that evil is ugly, but Satan is a deceiver and he can appear as an angel of light.          

That is why we must always test what we hear. If it does not line up with God’s Word, then it is a lie...THE END.            

Be on guard, stand firm on the Word of God and expect anything from anyone; remember the devil was once a beautiful angel! May God bless you with a wonderful day filled with strength and light, my friend, and may there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.    {{{giggles & hugs}}}

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


If I were to ask you how many commandments are there? What would your answer be?  Most people would say 10, however, that is not correct. The correct answer is 11.    

In Exodus 20 God gave Moses the 10 commandments. In Matthew 5:17-18 Yeshua says, “Do not think that I have come to do away with, or to bring an incorrect interpretation to the Torah (Teaching) or the Prophets. I did not come to do away with but to bring spiritual abundance for the Torah (Teaching) to be obeyed as it should be and God’s promises to receive fulfillment. For truly I say to you: until the sky and Earth would pass away, NOT one yod (smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet) or one vav (second smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet) could ever pass away from the Torah (Teaching), until everything would come to pass...”            

In John 13:34 - 35 Y’shua says, “I am giving you a new commandment, that you must continually love one another; just as I have loved you so also you must love one another. All will know by this, that you are My disciples, if you would have love for one another.”       

What this means is that the original 10 commandments remain in effect and He added one more making the number of commandments 11.   

God loves us so much that He has given us EVERY opportunity to spend eternity with Him. The only thing He will not do is force us to accept it.  I pray that the love of Y’shua is so powerful in your life that you cannot take your eyes off of Him. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. 
{{{giggles & hugs}}}

Stand Up For What You Believe....

Every day I am reassured that society as we know it is being led by empty vessels open to demonic influence. The thing that I cannot comprehend is why do we keep following them? 

We have allowed Satan to come in and take God out of our government and out of our schools because He “OFFENDS” non-believers. Did everyone forget that our country was founded on God? If He offends someone so much, then THEY should leave our country and find another one that they like better! I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinions, their own beliefs and the right of freedom to express their beliefs. However, I do not think that they have a right to deny us OUR rights and beliefs and that is exactly what is happening!

Our children are not allowed to say a prayer in school or on school property, they are taught evolution instead of creation! Now, let’s take a good look at how THAT is working for school system.     

We now have school massacres on a weekly basis, children are threatening and even killing their teachers, our kids are being bullied, harassed, sexually assaulted, robbed, murdered and committing suicide.     

WE are the light of this world. Light should, by every sense of logic and scientific reason extinguish darkness! When are we, as representatives of Y’shua going to stand up and say, ‘Enough is Enough” and take back our schools and our government.  If we sit quietly and do nothing then we have no one to blame but ourselves. 

I implore all of you to pray and seek God’s intervention. If not for you, then for your children, your grandchildren, for the innocent ones who have no say! I know this is not my typical “inspirational” message but it is one that is heavy on my heart today. 

As God pours out His blessings on us today, we should repent for our idleness during Satan’s infiltration of our government and schools, and then ask Him to help us fight back for the sake of our children. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Jesus Wept...

Do you know what the shortest but most enlightening verse in the entire bible is? It is found in John 11:35, ‘Y’shua wept’. He is GOD and HE wept. That shows how much love He has for us. 

When He saw the sorrow of all those who were mourning for Lazarus, knowing that He was going to raise him from the dead, His heart still broke for the sorrow He watched everyone go through.   

If He could weep and be broken hearted, when He is righteous and committed no sin...EVER, why do we get so upset when we become broken hearted? We are made in His image. Many times we hold God accountable because He did not intervene immediately or stop something before it happened.  

In John 11:21 it says, Therefore Martha said to Y’shua, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died. Martha did not stop there, she did not get angry at God, she held on to her faith and said in verse 22 but now I also know that God will give You whatever You would ask.” She stated that with faith and Y’shua replied, “Your brother will rise.”    

What Y’shua was showing us here is that He was crying for the heartbreak of others.  We need to follow His example and reach out to those who are broken hearted, those giving up because it is too painful to move on, but we need to do it with the faith of Martha! 

I pray that God gives you the strength, courage and heart longing to lift the spirit of others with the promises of God! May God bless you today and keep you wrapped in His loving arms and may Shalom reign in your heart and in your home.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Keep Your Freedom...

God did not get you back on your feet so you can run right back to the thing that knock you down before! When we seek God’s help in our lives, we can not allow ourselves to continue doing what got us in that state before. 

The old adage, “You cannot keep doing the same thing expecting different results.” is the world’s truth. However, there is a spiritual truth that many choose to ignore. Matthew 12:73-45 and Luke 11:24-26 states, “When the unclean spirit has come out of a person, it comes through dry places seeking rest but does not find it. Then it says, ‘I shall return to my house from which I came out:” Then when it comes it finds the "house" (our bodies) empty, having been swept and decorated, then it goes and takes with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself and after they enter they dwell there; and the last state of that person becomes worse than the first state and so it will be with this evil generation.     

That is why trying to overcome things when we back slide keeps getting harder and harder. It does not need to be this way. John 8:36 says, If therefore the Son would set you free, you will truly be free.  We are free because we are no longer slaves to sin. Once we call upon Y’shua to be our Savior, we are under His divine protection. That does not mean we can keep sinning. 

We need to wrap ourselves up in His Word, change our attitude about sin, turn away from it and follow His way. We must continually fill ourselves up with His word, with love, and with righteousness so there is no room for evil to reside within you. When we play the hokey pokey with Him...we are NOT in His will. You cannot have one foot in and one foot is all or nothing! 

Have a blessed and spirit filled day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.  {{{giggles & hugs}}}

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Time is Running Out...

Time is running out! No one knows when Y’shua (Jesus) is coming back to take us home with Him. All we have to do is look around, darkness is now, and has been reigning for quite some time.We need to live each day as if He was coming in the next minute. 

We do not have the time to “wait until later” to get our lives in order with God’s Word. Many people thought that they could do the things they wanted while they were young and repents later when they were older. However, death came before they were able to make room for Y’shua in their heart...and now, they are spending an eternity separated from Him. 

Matthew 6:33 says, But you must continually seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, than all things will be provided for you. 

Think of all your family, good friends and other people you love. Where do you want them to spend eternity? If you know someone is not saved, you need to tell them about Y’shua (Jesus) and minister to them. Believe me; you do not want until they are “ready” to hear it because that time may never come. How would you feel on judgement day, when they are sentence to eternity away from you and from God and they looked at you and asked, "Why didn't you tell me?" I for one do not want that to happen to me so I made a decision to share the truth with everyone I can.

It is great to pray for salvation for them however, you must step out and act on them too. There are a lot of ways that you can teach someone about Y’shua. Showing kindness when they doesn’t deserve it. Helping someone when everyone else passes them by, smiling in spite of your troubles.  These actions will open a door for Y’shua to woo them in through you. 

The greatest gift a woman can give is life to a child. The greatest gift we can do is help others find eternal life! If you have people that you would like me to pray for as well, just email me at: or you can message me on facebook.

May God bless you coming and going today, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Three Things Needed to Get Through Hard Times....

There are three things that will help you through the hard times...

A WISH BONE - to help you hang on to God’s promises to give us what we want according to His riches and goodness even when you do not see them in the near future. God is not a man that He can lie but rather, He watches over His Word to perform it so what He says, He will do.

A BACK BONE - to stand your ground, do the right thing and never give up. Believing with your whole heart that God’s Word WILL come to pass in His perfect timing! God's promises do not have an expiration date and they will never show up a minute to late.

A FUNNY BONE - to give you healing through laughter and to keep you from becoming too serious. If you can laugh at yourself, or give others a good have been given a wonderful gift from God. Trust me on this one...I have the gift of laughter and I use it regularly! 

May God bless you with a wonderful day filled with laughter and love, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. 
{{{giggles & hugs}}}

Friday, January 3, 2014

Words are Powerful!

Words are POWERFUL! They are like a double edged sword. They can be helpful, encouraging, uplifting, healing and even lifesaving in the mouth of an honest and truthful person. However, in the mouth of a deceitful liar they can be cruel, misleading, detrimental, hurtful and soul shattering. 

This is what the bible says about the tongue in Jacob (James) 3:9-10:
With this we bless the Lord and Father and with this we curse people, those who have been made according to the likeness of God, 10 from this mouth come forth blessing and curse, it ought not be, my brothers, that these things happen like this

There is power in the tongue...for out of it comes life and death. We need to choose our words wisely for they are the very essence of how we will live of lives. What do your words say about you? Do you try to encourage people around you or do you “play devil’s advocate" and be the voice of doom and gloom? 

Parents listen up...the words you use to speak to and about your children are the very words that are building their it high or low. What you say in the heat of a moment can take your child years to overcome...if they ever do. God trusted us to raise our children to grow up to be like Y'shua. How can they have unconditional love for others if they do not receive it from you?

So before you “blowing off steam” or “setting someone straight” stop, think and choose words that will reflect who you want to be. 

Have a blessed and word reflecting day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fight Fear...

Fight FEAR just as you would fight a plague. Fight it in the Name of Y’shua (Jesus)...for God has not giving us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7) 

Throughout the Tanakh, (Hebrew Scriptures) we have God's command: "Do not to be in awe" meaning do not fear, or be faint-hearted! Fear, even the smallest fear, hacks away at the cords of love that bind us to Y’shua. Regardless of how small the impression are, in time those cords will wear thin, and then with one disappointment, one shock, unexpectedly they snap. 

There is no fear in love but complete love casts fear outside, because fear has to do with punishment, and the one who fears has not been made complete in love. (1 John 4:18)

Fear is the opposite of faith, we must fight it! It is one of biggest tools the enemy uses to try to separate us from God. The cross is what conquered the validity of fear! It was a high price but Y'shua paid it...let's not make what He did in vain!

Did you know that depression is a state of fear - we must fight that too!  Depression is the impression left by fear. Y'shua has already conquered everything that causes fear...all we have to do is stand on His Word and claim the victory that He won for us! 

Start this year off with the determination to fight and conquer fear and all that goes with it. Fight for the Love of Y’shua, for His tender never failing love for us! Walk hand and hand with Him in victory! Fight, Love and Win!!  

Have a blessed and conquering day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}