Never allow anybody make you feel like nobody! Refuse to be
ANYONE’S back-up plan! Set a high standard for yourself and do not lower it for
anyone! People might tell you that your standards are too me,
those people need not be in your inner circle!
Someday there will be someone
who cares about you so much; they will inspire not only to meet those
standards, but to exceed them! A funny truth is that you should have standards
for every relationship in your life, not just a spouse, and or love interest.
Your friends have influence on you so make sure that they meet a certain
criteria or one day that very person might encourage you in a direction that
you would never have chosen to go.
Pray on it...ask God to place the right
people in your life to help you become the person He would like you to be. Have
a blessed day filled with standards, my friend. May there always be Shalom in
your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}
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