Sunday, December 15, 2013

You Are Royalty!

How do you get the best out of life? You face your past without regrets, you handle your present with confidence and you prepare for the future without fear! 

We should be thankful for a past we can learn from, a present we can live in and a future we can look forward to...after all, we are all God’s children and heirs with Y’shua (Jesus)...that makes us royalty in every aspect of our lives. 

We just need a true understanding of what that really means. This Royal Family of God is called body of Christ and it is a secret one. The body of Christ is secret, a magical Kingdom, because the world does not see it. The Body of Christ is a special union between believers in Y'shua (Jesus); united as one in the Lord in His Resurrection Body, united in Christ through rebirth into His Royal Family. This union is only through rebirth; church membership is not a ticket into His Royal Family.

Why is it secret? Because, the Kingdom of God is not from here, it is revealed to believers in their hearts through Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit), whom they have received from God Himself. They see it through His Spirit, yet it will be revealed to the whole world when the time is up and it will be a concrete Kingdom with gates and high walls surrounding it and it has been prepared for around 2000 years now for God’s Royal family; the believers and followers of Y'shua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ).

Go forth this day with determination to live a courageous life that will bring honor upon the royal family name you belong to! Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. 
{{{giggles & hugs}}}

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