Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Priorities

During this Christmas season, I see so many people running about to buy gifts for their loved ones, to get a Christmas tree, decorations etc... However, there is no Christmas spirit at all, just commercialism. People are pushing their way through others just to grab a toy before someone else get it. I am sad to say that we lost sight of what Christmas is all about. Christmas is about the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Y'shua HaMashiach).

We are supposed to be celebrating HIM, not each other! I think that it is so sad when I see parents rushing their children to Santa Claus so they can sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas. Yet these very parents never think of taking their children to church to say "Happy Birthday" or "Thank You" to God for the GREATEST gift they could ever have hoped for!

So while you are running about getting things ready for Christmas, please do not forget the "Birthday Boy" and give Him a few gifts too! If you are wondering what you can give Him, He has already told us. He said, "What you have done for the least of these, you have done for me!" If you cannot think of something, here is a few ideas: Treat a homeless person to lunch Buy a few gifts for a struggling single parent, so the can give them to their children Send Christmas Blessings and thanks to a deployed soldier Give a few gifts to a child of a deployed parent Send a card to someone you are estranged from The gifts that will touch the heart of Jesus are endless! So please remember our Lord on HIS birthday.

Have a blessed and Spirit filled day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}

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