Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's Christmas Eve...

It is Christmas Eve, a time of great joy for many. There is always a lot of hustle and bustle to get last minute things done. 

At some point in the day, it is important to take some time out to recognize the true meaning of Christmas...the birth of our Lord and Savior, Y'shua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ)

It does not matter if you are Jewish, Gentile or Messianic, the birth of Y’shua has changed the destination of where we will spend eternity! Albeit it was His death that truly sealed our fate but His death would never have occurred had He not been born. 

If you are a parent, you should be an example to your children so they will always keep Y’shua’s birth first and foremost in their minds and in their hearts. When it is burned in our hearts, we cannot be anything but grateful to both God and Y’shua. 

Many people celebrate on Christmas Eve and if you are one of them, I wish you a very Merry Christmas Eve. Be blessed today as the world was blessed over 2000 years ago! May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}

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