Saturday, December 21, 2013

Let God Work Through You...

I pray that Y’shua (Jesus) will help you find your voice to speak up when someone needs to be encouraged, that He will help you to remain silent when no words or actions are needed, that He will give you the wisdom to know the difference and the strength to do what is necessary. 

When we step out of the background and open ourselves up and allow Y’shua to reach out to others through us, we become Isaiah 6:8 “Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then I said, Here I am! Send me!” This is one of my favorite verses and every time I have an opportunity to be used as a vessel for the Lord, I can pour everything out...but I am NEVER empty!

Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}

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