Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Have a Thrill....

Remember, it is important to balance out your day…if you are all to consumed with work and all the day to day responsibilities you have and never take the time to relax and recharge then you are not maintaining balance.       

God gave us many emotions to use…against popular belief STRESS is NOT an emotion and even if it were, we shouldn’t lock ourselves up in it. Stress is the result from not having the proper balance in your life!        

I think that we all should have a “Thrilled Filled|” day. You should take some time out of your day to make sure you get a thrill! Call a long lost friend, take a child out for ice cream, sing out loud in your car with the windows down and encourage other drivers to sing along with you. It doesn’t matter what you do…just DO IT!      

I truly care about you and I want you to be happy! Have a wonderful and thrill seeking day, my friend! May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. {{{giggles & hugs}}}

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