Monday, March 10, 2014

Comfort or Truth...

It is our duty and obligation to share Y’shua (Jesus) with everyone. This is not always easy or comfortable for us to do but nonetheless, we were created to do just that. This is the one of the greatest things we can do for someone because it will change their eternal destination should they accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

Imagine where we would be if we did not know Y’shua as our Savior. Come Judgment Day!  We would be crying out asking “Why, why didn’t we know about Y’shua?” Can you imagine the horror of living an honorable life, being a good person and still being sentenced to an eternity away from God? It is unimaginable to us but this IS the reality of many people who do not know Y’shua.

If this thought is not enough to make you overcome your comfort zone to share the Good News with others…what will it take?

I know there are a lot of people who get tired of me sharing this message and other messages that are strictly about Y’shua. Some people have even stopped reading my daily “sermonations” because of this. However, my need to get an understanding of urgency into your hearts for the lost is greater than my desire to have a large following.

Again, if you have trouble talking to others about Y’shua, you can still pray for them and ask God to send season workers into their paths. Time is short; eternity is forever…do whatever you can to make a difference!

Have a blessed and wonderful day my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home. 

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