Friday, July 25, 2014

Be filled with Gratitude and Joy...

Happiness in not having everything you want. It is wanting and appreciating everything you have. When you are filled with gratitude for what you have there is peace and joy. 

Far to often we base our wants on what other people have. We live in a society that we have to have the latest and greatest things to be cool. All that does is cause stress and put financial burdens on us. The cutting edge technology today is obsolete tomorrow and so the cycle continues to upgrade what we have for something better.

Finding what we need and what will work best for us is what matters. Everything we have is a blessing from God and we need to show our gratitude and appreciation for what we have been given. We also need to remember to be good stewards of what we have.

Have a blessed and grateful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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