Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Be a dream catcher!

When you have a dream, a desire or a vision, it is wise to pray about them and ask God for guidance and direction. However, you still have the responsibility to put forth action and start proactively pursuing them.

When God called Abraham to be the father of all nations, he was put through many tests, trials and tribulations. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son to be obedient to God! When God called Noah to build an ark and become one of only six people left in the world...Noah built that ark in faith amid the taunting of those who thought he was crazy! When God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, he had to give up everything and wander through the desert for 40 years before leading them to the promised land...even though he never got to go into the land himself.

Nothing ever falls into your lap completed. You have to work for what you want. There will be trials, test and tribulations just like there were with the ones who walked before us. The thing that you have to decide is, "Is your dream, your calling, your vision worth the sacrifice?" 

All I can say is that if God is asking you to do something and it requires sacrifice on your part, there is a good reason for that sacrifice. God will replace what you lay down with something ten times greater than what you had before.

Have a blessed and dream chasing day, my friend! May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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