Monday, April 28, 2014

If you had any idea...

I am not sure that we truly understand what Y'shua (Jesus) actually saved us from because if we did, we would be completely different people today!

We have all become so desensitized to the word hell. Some people do not believe that there is a hell, some think of it as being huge party with their friends, while others believe it is a place of punishment for all eternity. 

However, NOBODY knows or can even fathom just how horrible and unimaginable hell truly is. We cannot even grasp the reality of eternity because we are always on a time frame! 

We ought not take hell lightly, friends...once sentenced there, there is no hope of ever getting out! And against some beliefs...there IS a HELL and there are far to many souls there now. 

Just for the record, God does not send anyone to hell...we send ourselves there. We have God's Word and teachings. We are held accountable for what we do with them. Y'shua died for our sins so we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven. However, we still have to FOLLOW Him and His ways to get there!

Have a blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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