When you belong to the One True God, you automatically have a target on you! Satan uses everyone and everything he can to make us stumble and fall. DO NOT BE MOVED!!!
Heed those words for they contain your victory! It does not matter what comes your way, God is there with you and He will see you through it. Make you mindset to focus on Him and Him alone, not the situation, not the outcome, not your fears...only Him.
You will not only emerge victoriously but you will rise to a new spiritual level. When satan tells you that "you can't" smile, and show him that you CAN do anything through Christ who strengthens you! Show no fear for fear is the opposite of faith and that is why satan uses it against us. Remember, DO NOT BE MOVED!!!
Have a blessed and victorious day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
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