I am the Lioness of Judah! I choose to follow and stand beside the Lion of Judah...Y'shua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah)!
Some may think that is a little presumptuous of me but I don't. Seeing that we are all one in Christ, there is no reason why we cannot and should not stand with Him when He returns as the Lion of Judah!
I have been praying to be able to spread the Gospel and bring souls into the Kingdom with boldness. I do believe that my prayers have been answered because yesterday, after an attack from the enemy, I immediately rose up like the lioness of Judah! I hope you too will rise up and let your roar be heard.
Have a blessed day filled with boldness, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Weak Heart, Strong God...
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. That goes for a lot of us. We have to continually build up our spirit so it will be strong and unwavering. Like anything else, it needs time to cultivate, grow and test the waters.
For those times when it seems like you just cannot find the strength to move forward, just remember...Y'shua (Jesus) is holding your heart and He is a Strong God. He will NEVER leave or forsake you.
When you give yourself to Him 100% He is there waiting to step in whenever you need Him. As He was with Abraham, Issac and Jacob, not to mention Noah, Moses and all the Apostles...so He will be with YOU too!
Test Him, give Him a chance to prove His loyalty to you. Just remember that it is a two way street and you have to be willing to give all you have to Him as well.
Have a blessed day filled with strength, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Monday, April 28, 2014
If you had any idea...
I am not sure that we truly understand what Y'shua (Jesus) actually saved us from because if we did, we would be completely different people today!
We have all become so desensitized to the word hell. Some people do not believe that there is a hell, some think of it as being huge party with their friends, while others believe it is a place of punishment for all eternity.
However, NOBODY knows or can even fathom just how horrible and unimaginable hell truly is. We cannot even grasp the reality of eternity because we are always on a time frame!
We ought not take hell lightly, friends...once sentenced there, there is no hope of ever getting out! And against some beliefs...there IS a HELL and there are far to many souls there now.
Just for the record, God does not send anyone to hell...we send ourselves there. We have God's Word and teachings. We are held accountable for what we do with them. Y'shua died for our sins so we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven. However, we still have to FOLLOW Him and His ways to get there!
Have a blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
It is good to take an inventory of our actions every now and then. That way we can see the things that help improve our lives and the things that make us stagnant in a negative place.
By adjusting our attitudes and/or actions just a little, we can make a dramatic difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.
I encourage you to challenge yourself today with positive change. Start out by changing one thing on the list...then another, and another...until you see a positive difference in your life.
Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
By adjusting our attitudes and/or actions just a little, we can make a dramatic difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.
I encourage you to challenge yourself today with positive change. Start out by changing one thing on the list...then another, and another...until you see a positive difference in your life.
Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
few people have asked me what Shalom means. Others just thought it meant “Peace”.
So, I wanted to share what Shalom really means.
cannot be translated into English with a single word. When there is Shalom,
there is wholeness, tranquility, justice, sufficient food, clothing, and housing. There is
Divine health, with no sickness. Shalom means an absence of disorder,
injustice, bribery, corruption, conflict, lack, hatred, abuse, violence, pain,
suffering, immorality, and all other negative forces. A rabbi wrote that Shalom
means, “No good thing is withheld.”
when we pray for the Shalom, be it for our country, Israel, our family or
friends - we are praying that there will not be any injustice, disorder,
strife, violence, poverty, sickness, abuse, accident, homelessness, pain,
hunger, and more. When Shalom reigns there will be no immorality, no injustice.
So whenever someone wishes you Shalom or God's Peace, know that they want only the best for you!
Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Friday, April 25, 2014
I just wanna...
Does this sound like you feel? Is this what you would like for your children and/or grandchildren?
I have found a way that you can go on the greatest adventures, be around positive, uplifting and exciting people filled with great character, learn things you never new before and grow stronger, wiser and happier than ever before. It is family friendly so you can share it with the kids, parents, neighbors, and just about everyone else.
Read your bible...out loud to your family. It is not just a book that is filled with doom and gloom, do's and don't's, rules and regulations...it has adventures, love stories, solutions to every problem, advice, heroism and so much more.
If you approach it with the a spirit of adventure, you will find that it can be very addicting and your children will greatly benefit from it. There is no need to go searching for something that is right there in your home!
Have a blessed and adventurous day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
I am Sorry....
For every time I was short with you. For the times I have showed anger instead of love, For misjudging ~ NO ~ for judging you at all. For being impatient when you needed me. For every time I put my own needs before yours. For laughing when you shared something that may have hurt you. For making you laugh at inappropriate times. For letting you stand alone through a hard situation.
But most of all...I am sorry for not praying for you a lot more than I do. For not sharing Y'shua's teachings with you more. For allowing you to follow the lies of the enemy. For compromising God's teaching to protect your comfort zone and allowing you to think that it is ok.
For all this and countless other reasons, I am sorry from the bottom of my soul. I promise to be a better friend...even if that means you do not want to continue being friends. I rather lose your friendship here than lose it for eternity.
I cannot and will no longer stay silent when "the truth" does not align up with God's Word. There is no time for compromising...we need to get things right with God now, while we still can.
Have a blessed and truth absorbing day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
God Keeps His Word...
God is not a man that He can lie but He watches over His Word to perform it. God is integrity, He will do what He says He will do!
His Word does not just pertain to the "good stuff" no, it also pertains to consequences. If God said it...it WILL be! Think about that for a minute...have you READ the Old Testament???
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! He did not change His laws and statutes just because "times have changed". We are expected to follow His Word, His teachings, His laws and His statutes. We are suppose to teach them to our children and our grandchildren.
Looking around, I'd say that this world makes Sodom look like paradise. We may not be able to change everyone around us...but let's at least start with our own households. Set a Godly standard and except nothing less. Let us get back to worship and honoring God with a reverential fear. If not us, who? If not now, when?
Have a beautiful and blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
His Word does not just pertain to the "good stuff" no, it also pertains to consequences. If God said it...it WILL be! Think about that for a minute...have you READ the Old Testament???
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! He did not change His laws and statutes just because "times have changed". We are expected to follow His Word, His teachings, His laws and His statutes. We are suppose to teach them to our children and our grandchildren.
Looking around, I'd say that this world makes Sodom look like paradise. We may not be able to change everyone around us...but let's at least start with our own households. Set a Godly standard and except nothing less. Let us get back to worship and honoring God with a reverential fear. If not us, who? If not now, when?
Have a beautiful and blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Good Relationships...
Good relationships do require work. It takes desire, a commitment, and follow through. It constantly changes and requires us to readjust to those changes.
The same goes for our relationship with Y'shua. He is to be our HUSBAND...we are His BRIDE! We are walking out our engagement with Him right now. How would you say your relationship with Him is?
Do you think about Him all the time? Do you do little things just to make Him smile? Do you smile and get warm fuzzies just at the thought of His name? Do you want to run to Him and tell Him everything in your heart?
If not, there is something seriously wrong and you should re-evaluate your relationship. You will never have a close and personal relationship with Him if you do not invest the time in Him.
Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Fresh Start...
Now that Resurrection Sunday is over...do not go back to your old ways. Y'shua (Jesus) has given us a fresh start and a new beginning. We have been washed clean of our sins and made right with God!
This is our chance to show Y'shua that His death for our sins was not in vain! We need to renew our minds on a daily basis and keep our eyes set on Y'shua.
Let us never forget the price that He paid for us. Let's show Him our appreciation by changing our sinful ways, picking up our cross and following Him.
Stay focused on the only thing that matters in this life...our journey and destination into eternal life! We should be celebrating daily that we have been redeemed and adopted by the One True God, through Y'shua.
Have a blessed and changed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
A lot can happen in 3 days...
A lot happened in just three days. We went from being sinners and enemies of God to becoming His chosen children.
When Y'shua (Jesus) suffered and died on that cross, the took all of our sins with Him. When he rose up again, He was pure, holy and new.
For those of us who have accepted Y'shua as our Lord and Savior, we to have been crucified with Him and we were resurrected into a new being through Him.
We are no longer slaves to sin and to this world but we are now citizens of Heaven and belong to God. We need to live our new life as such.
Have a wonderful, blessed and joyous Easter, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
If you have not accepted Y'shua as your Savior and would like to know more, please feel free to contact me.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Always Pray to...
There are many different prayers we say. Prayers for healing, for employment, or for favor in a particular situation.
They are all great and needed to be said. However, we should also pray for the things that will enable us to build up our spirit life and walk in righteousness.
God does not require long drawn out repetitive prayers. He requires prayer with heart desire. Sometime the simple earnest prayer is the one that will move Him.
I have learned that prayer is very important but it is equally as important to TALK to Him. Spend time in His presence and listen for His voice. He is always talking to us...sadly, we are often to busy to hear Him.
Have a blessed and prayerful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
They are all great and needed to be said. However, we should also pray for the things that will enable us to build up our spirit life and walk in righteousness.
God does not require long drawn out repetitive prayers. He requires prayer with heart desire. Sometime the simple earnest prayer is the one that will move Him.
I have learned that prayer is very important but it is equally as important to TALK to Him. Spend time in His presence and listen for His voice. He is always talking to us...sadly, we are often to busy to hear Him.
Have a blessed and prayerful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Friday, April 18, 2014
We are what we think...
Our minds are very powerful and complex. We start to become the things we think about ourselves. Keep only positive and healthy thoughts in mind and let go of all others.
We should concentrate on what God says about us, not others. We need to continually renew our mind in the Word of God, embrace them and believe them. They will make us strong and positive thus enabling us to do the work of the kingdom in power and strength.
Likewise when we are negative and in fear. We become useless towards the work of the kingdom for we are weak and ineffective.
Choose each day how you want to live your life and what your attitude will say about you. Look around, the world has enough negative people. Let's start a positive chain reaction...encourage and lift someone else up today and they will pass it on!
Have a blessed and positive day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
If you keep putting things off until someday...you might as well just give up on ever getting them done! Time is precious so don't waste it.
"Someday" is an excuse not to do it today! God never promised us "someday"...all we are assured of is this very moment because the next moment we can be standing before Him.
Take a good look at the things in your life, the prioritize them. Eliminate things that are wasting to much of your time, then go after the things that are tugging at your heart.
We were not put on this earth to work, worry and stress. We need to accept that we will not get everything done perfectly...and that is ok, as long as we give it our BEST shot!
Have a blessed and purposeful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Choose this day...
We all have a choice of what we will believe and who we will serve. We need to decide what it will be and then make a COMMITMENT to do so.
Y'shua (Jesus) died on a cross in public for our sins...is it fair to live for Him in private and not worship Him in public?
This world is getting scarier and scarier...the President has turned his back on Israel, God has been removed from our schools, the government is slowly removing God from government buildings, our money and whatever else they can. It is as if no one has read the Old Testament! God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! He did not stand for it then and He will not stand for it today!!!
I implore you, stand up as a Christian and say "Enough". Unless we do, we are agreeing with the decisions by keeping our silence. We need to hit our knees with unceasing prayers for our country, for the President to turn his heart towards Y'shua, for our schools and for our children!
May you have a blessed and prayer ignited day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Bend Don't Break
Sometimes it doesn't matter how hard we try...things will just not fall into place. That is when we need to take a step back and see what we are missing.
There are times when we need to be flexible instead of rigid. Bending and being flexible does NOT in any way mean to compromise the truth or your values.
Sometimes it is as simple as listening to the voice of another, whose point of view is different than yours. Often there are times where two roads can lead to the same destination without compromise of values and truth.
Stand firm when necessary and be flexible whenever possible. You will find that things will be a lot easier. Blessed is the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape!
Have a blessed and flexible day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Happy Passover...
You can read more about Passover on our website: Click Here
In the year 196 AD the celebration of Passover was replaced with the worship of Ishtar, the Babylonian fertility goddess. The name Ishtar was written in Greek as Istar because there is no "sh" sound in the Greek language. Because the Greek and Latin letters for I are pronounced EE, therefore, Istar became Easter when spelled with English letters.
The celebration of Ishtar brought with it eggs and rabbits, symbols of reproduction. this was done to separate from Jewish roots and to make it easier for heathens to become Christian by letting them retain the pagan customs. I want to make it clear that I am NOT saying CHRISTIANS are HEATHENS or PAGANS!
Christians celebrate Easter as the Resurrection of Y'shua (Jesus) after He died on the cross for our sins NOT Istar the fertility goddess. Easter is as sacred to Christians as Passover is to the Jewish people.
Have a blessed and wonderful Passover, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
I Am His...
When you belong to the One True God, you automatically have a target on you! Satan uses everyone and everything he can to make us stumble and fall. DO NOT BE MOVED!!!
Heed those words for they contain your victory! It does not matter what comes your way, God is there with you and He will see you through it. Make you mindset to focus on Him and Him alone, not the situation, not the outcome, not your fears...only Him.
You will not only emerge victoriously but you will rise to a new spiritual level. When satan tells you that "you can't" smile, and show him that you CAN do anything through Christ who strengthens you! Show no fear for fear is the opposite of faith and that is why satan uses it against us. Remember, DO NOT BE MOVED!!!
Have a blessed and victorious day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Spiritual Training...
A lot of people put so much effort into their physical bodies and appearance. That is great...to a degree...
Our bodies are only temporary. They will eventually die no matter how well we take care of them. We NEED to be more concerned with is the condition of our SPIRIT than our physical bodies because our spirit is eternal and will never die!
Building up our spirit here will ensure us a better life in eternity. I challenge you today, to put aside just 30 minutes a day to build up your spirit. Trust me, God will take that 30 minutes and use it in a way your mind cannot even conceive of. Once your spirit starts to grow, you will see your whole life start to change.
May you always have Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Blessing Box
I am sending you this Blessing Box to draw a blessing from. A gift from me would pale in comparison to a gift from God...and I only want the best for you!
God has unlimited gifts for us. They are free just for the asking. Do not limit yourself from asking Him for something. It is His Heart's desire to give things to you. Just as a parent delights in giving gifts to their children, so does He delight when giving to His children!
Sometimes it is hard for us to ask for things. He already knows the things you need and the desires of your heart! So it is kind of foolish not to go to Him and just tell Him. He loves you and wants you to be happy.
Teach your children and grandchildren to go to God with their petitions. Let them know that we serve a loving God, who desires only good things for us. But also teach them that the things they ask for should be in alignment with His Word for our lives. This is a very important factor. The earlier they learn they can do this the stronger in Christ they will become.
Have a blessed and receiving day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
God has unlimited gifts for us. They are free just for the asking. Do not limit yourself from asking Him for something. It is His Heart's desire to give things to you. Just as a parent delights in giving gifts to their children, so does He delight when giving to His children!
Sometimes it is hard for us to ask for things. He already knows the things you need and the desires of your heart! So it is kind of foolish not to go to Him and just tell Him. He loves you and wants you to be happy.
Teach your children and grandchildren to go to God with their petitions. Let them know that we serve a loving God, who desires only good things for us. But also teach them that the things they ask for should be in alignment with His Word for our lives. This is a very important factor. The earlier they learn they can do this the stronger in Christ they will become.
Have a blessed and receiving day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Why settle for 1/4 of the truth?
When I saw this picture and thought...how sad that someone actually feels this way! This is an excellent example of people not understanding what they have in Y'shua (Jesus). The truth is...
Y'shua CAN save your life...He gave His life so we can live!
Y'shua CAN defend your life...He stands before the Father, defending us all the time!
Y'shua CAN give you a peaceful life...He gives us His peace!
And yes, Y'shua is the only one who can give you eternal life...if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
Why settle for 1/4 of the truth?
Have a blessed and peaceful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Stones in your path...
It seems that there is always someone who wants to see you stumble and fall. Do not take it personal, it is their sense of failure that is driving them...not your success. Besides, you do not have to let the stumbling blocks keep you from success.
Use the obstacles that are in your path to create a new opportunity for you to reach your goal. When they come, be creative, think and pray on how you can use them to your advantage. You can do anything in Christ who strengthens you.
There is nothing as sweet as seeing the look on someone's face when you succeed despite the fact that they attempted to stop you! Let success be your revenge (not that revenge is the right thing!)
Have a blessed and successful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Psalm 23....
Have you have ever wondered if God would REALLY take care of you in times of trouble or need. If so, all you have to do is read Psalm 23.
It is full of promises and reassurances. Memorize it, believe in it and constantly recite it in times of trouble and doubt.
God will NEVER leave or FORSAKE you. You have to stand firm in your knowledge of this. Satan will do whatever he can to steal this from you but do not let him!
Have a blessed day filled with confidence, my friend. May you always have Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Break curses spoken over you....
Did you know that we have the power to cancel curses, generational curses and negative words that have been spoken over our lives and/or the lives of our loved ones.
We do not have to live in bondage! Through Y'shua (Jesus) we have been saved, delivered, healed and reborn! We are new creatures in Christ and we have been given the use of the power in His Name!
This should NOT be taken lightly. We should be living victorious lives as children of the living God and co-heirs with Y'shua!
The bible says our words have power...so cancel all the negative things that were spoken over you or your loved ones. Then release the plans of the Holy Spirit in your life. If you do these things you will see a change in your life.
Have a blessed and positive day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Be your own Hero...
Do not search for a hero...BE THE HERO! You have so many good qualities that you do not even recognize in yourself. However, when you see the same qualities in others...you take notice and they amaze you.
You have the same qualities, strengths and abilities that you find in everyday heroes. All you have to do is reach down and pull them up when needed.
Not all superheroes wear a cape...to a sick person, a hero might be dressed as a white coat, to someone in a fire, a hero might be dressed as a fireman's outfit, to someone who is in danger, a hero might be dressed as a police uniform. to a lost person, a hero might be dressed as a pastor, to a child a hero might be dressed as a parent or a teacher.
We can not always tell if someone's a hero by their looks but we can tell by their actions. You are given the chance to be a hero to someone everyday. Look for and embrace those opportunities and you will change the life of someone forever.
Have a blessed and heroic day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Where you are today...
It does not matter where you are in life right now...God will use the situation to help you grow. He will use the experiences that you encounter to help you in the future.
There might be times when you feel that you've stepped out of God's plan for you. Don't panic because He will guide you back if you ask Him. The best part is that you will pick right back up where you were...with the knowledge you have gained at your detour!
Sometimes what you learn in a detour will catapult you further in the task you have at hand....how cool is that???
Have a blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Feelings are like waves....
We cannot control feelings that pop up however, we can choose what we do with them.
Some feelings are beneficial to us because they motivate us, they drive us, they make us love, care for others and be the best that we can be. Then there are others that cause jealousy, anger, unhealthy competition and keep us from truly loving others.
We need to filter our feelings. Nurture the good ones and let the others pass us by. It isn't always easy...if it were, we would be doing it all the time! Nonetheless we are responsible for our actions and reactions to our feelings. I pray that God gives you the strength to overcome the negative feelings in your life.
Have a blessed and filtering day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Remain Humble...
Go gives us power and authority but He does not want it to go to our heads. He delights in the humble.
19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and upon every power of the enemy, and nothing could harm you. 20 But, you must not rejoice in this, because the spirits are subject to you, but you must rejoice because your names have been written in the heavens." Luke 10:19 - 20
It doesn't matter what position we hold. We should make sure that we never abuse the power or authority we have been given. When the power goes to our head, we no longer have our focus on the things that we have been given the power for, thus rendering us ineffective.
Have a blessed and focused day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
God as a friend...
No matter how much we love our family and friends they can give us 100% of who they are however, it still would not match up to what God can give us.
Many people believe in God, they pray to Him, they worship him but they keep Him at arms length. They think of Him as a judge and they are afraid to take it to a personal level. That is a huge mistake. Unless you take the time to get to know Him in that way...you are missing out on a sweet and wonderful side of Him.
He longs to be our Father, our protector and our friend. He created us because He wanted companionship. After all the things that He does for us on a daily basis...is it so hard to believe that we can have a personal relationship with Him? Why not give yourself the advantage of having the best friend you could possibly have by offering Him YOUR friendship!
Have a blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Many people believe in God, they pray to Him, they worship him but they keep Him at arms length. They think of Him as a judge and they are afraid to take it to a personal level. That is a huge mistake. Unless you take the time to get to know Him in that way...you are missing out on a sweet and wonderful side of Him.
He longs to be our Father, our protector and our friend. He created us because He wanted companionship. After all the things that He does for us on a daily basis...is it so hard to believe that we can have a personal relationship with Him? Why not give yourself the advantage of having the best friend you could possibly have by offering Him YOUR friendship!
Have a blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Power in His Name...
There are some people who have that kind of power in the spiritual realm. They stand up and fight against the forces of evil. They refuse to be intimidated and will never relinquish their ground.
However, it is not that person themselves that have the power. It is the power in the Name of Y'shua (Jesus) that makes demons and Satan himself tremble!
We all have the same right to use Y'shua's Name in the battle of good and evil. It is a matter of obtaining a full understanding of the power IN His Name. All of which can be found in His Word.
Have a blessed and victorious day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
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