Sunday, May 25, 2014

Religion or Relationship

Some people think that the more "Religious" they are, the closer to God they are. I am afraid that is not true. The Pharisees were thought to be religious, knowledgeable in scripture yet they could not recognize Y'shua standing in front of them! Even though His birth was talked about and described in detail in Isaiah.

God does not want a groupie...He wants a friend. He desires a close and personal relationship with all of us. He wants us to come to Him with our problems, share our joy with Him, honor and worship Him as our Lord and Savior. He does not want us to recite wordy prayers by repetition, He wants us to TALK to Him from our hearts. He also wants us to listen and learn His voice because He does talk to us...sometimes we are just not listening.

If you think of God as unapproachable, or feel that you are to insignificant for Him to care about you, then I urge you to open yourself up to a relationship with Him. Spend a little time each day just seeking Him. Get into His Word more. You will find that He is truly the only one you will ever need in this life.

Have a blessed day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.

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