Thursday, January 1, 2015

Reflection of 2014

This has been one challenging year for me but one that has been life changing as well. As I reflect back on this year, I am filled with awe and amazement that I have survived and made it through to the end!

I have lost some friends…some who went home to be with the Lord and some that I needed to release in order to move forward in life. Either way, there was undeniable sadness with each loss but I remain grateful for the time I was able to share with them.

I have also met some wonderful new friends that have been a blessing to me and they bring me great joy. I look forward to this New Year with them in it...creating wonderful memories together!

From the belly laughter through the tears I will cherish each moment of this year. I know that it is because of them that I have grown as a person and as a Christian. For that I am forever grateful. There is so much more to be grateful for but too numerous for me to list.

I am saying goodbye to all the negative experiences that I have encountered this year – no need to keep them active in my heart because the scars will remind me I have survived them all. I am embracing and carrying all the positive things into the New Year to remind me of all that I have been blessed with.

I wish all of you a very Blessed New Year. May God bless your year with super natural health, unspeakable joy, abounding peace and unconditional love!

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