Monday, June 2, 2014

What does God say about Forgiveness...

While may Scripture proclaim forgiveness of sins, there is an order, a formula to obtaining forgiveness. That order is:
1. Forgive Others - There is one precondition, without which no amount of repentance can bring forgiveness. That is, the sinner must forgive everyone of every little thing before God will accept the sinner's repentant heart. See Matt 6:12 ONM 
2. Forgive Yourself - You cannot make things right with god until you make things right wiht everyone, and that includes yourself. See Eph 5:28
3. Seek Forgiveness from Others - In seeking forgiveness form someone you are automatically confessing to that person. See Matt 5:22-24
4. Repent - Without action, a change in behavior, there is not true repentance. We must resolve not to repeat the mistake. See Ezek 18:30
5. Forgiveness from God - there are 3 verses that clearly state God's position on forgiveness. See Exod 34:7, Isa 43:25 and Jer 31:33
6. Clean Slate - Our merciful Father forgives and forgets. Our All-Knowing Father is NOT forgetful, He erases them - so they never happened! See Isa 43:25

Thank you Y'shua (Jesus) for dying for my sins and the sins of all Your chosen ones!

Have a blessed and forgiving day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home!

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