Every Disciple is a Christian but not every Christian is a Disciple! A Christian is a BELIEVER of Y'shua (Jesus) and a Disciple is a FOLLOWER of Y'shua.
Many people believe in Y'shua but they do not follow His ways. They choose not to make the necessary changes in their lives that are required to become a disciple.
If you are a Christian, I hope that you find the desire and inner strength that it takes to step out as a disciple of Y'shua. It may require some sacrifices now but the rewards will be well worth it.
Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
One thing that Satan tries to use against us is regret. What is regret? Regret is a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done. Notice that all the feelings are tied to something that happened in the past.
Praise God that we do not have to live in the past. When we ask God to forgive us for our sins, He removed them as far as east is from west. He remembers them no more. Do you understand what that means? They NEVER happened as far as God is concerned!
So when Satan starts to wave your past in your face, remind him that "it never happened...God forgave you and you have forgiven yourself" soon you find that the more you do that the more you will see regret slip out of your life.
Have a blessed and regret free day, my friend. May there Always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Praise God that we do not have to live in the past. When we ask God to forgive us for our sins, He removed them as far as east is from west. He remembers them no more. Do you understand what that means? They NEVER happened as far as God is concerned!
So when Satan starts to wave your past in your face, remind him that "it never happened...God forgave you and you have forgiven yourself" soon you find that the more you do that the more you will see regret slip out of your life.
Have a blessed and regret free day, my friend. May there Always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Actions vs Intentions
I am sure that we all had an experience where we had the best intentions however, our actions fell short of those intentions.
Unfortunately, we can have the best intentions in the world but it will always be our actions that will be judged by others.
We need to ensure that our actions meet our intentions. If it mean taking on less commitments that that is what we need to do. It is better to tell someone that you cannot do something, rather than agreeing and then not being able to do it.
Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Unfortunately, we can have the best intentions in the world but it will always be our actions that will be judged by others.
We need to ensure that our actions meet our intentions. If it mean taking on less commitments that that is what we need to do. It is better to tell someone that you cannot do something, rather than agreeing and then not being able to do it.
Have a blessed and wonderful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Dad's lesson "backfires"...
Talk about a plan backfiring on you. Can you imaging be so caught up in your pride of the things you own, your finances, how easy you think your life is that you don't even realize how poor you REALLY are???
Believe it or not, many people live like this. They are so consumed trying to get what they want in life that they cannot see that the people in their own family see that same situation totally different.
God wants to give us the desires of our hearts. However, we must focus on Him first. When He becomes our priority...everything else will fall into place.
Have a blessed and beautiful day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Think of ways to motivate one another...
There is something to be said about making the decision to stop allowing negativity to pass through you onto others.
The bible tells us, "Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." (Eph 4:29). "Judas and Silas, also being prophets themselves, encouraged and strengthened the brethren." (Acts 15:32).
There are many more scriptures that talk about encouraging and motivating others. When we do then we also motivate and encourage ourselves as well.
Have a blessed and motivated day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
The bible tells us, "Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." (Eph 4:29). "Judas and Silas, also being prophets themselves, encouraged and strengthened the brethren." (Acts 15:32).
There are many more scriptures that talk about encouraging and motivating others. When we do then we also motivate and encourage ourselves as well.
Have a blessed and motivated day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Friday, June 6, 2014
You can handle anything...
Every time a challenge pops up, take a deep breath and meet it head on. When you do, you will walk away with more than you had before it. Use every situation to your advantage. Remember - you can do ANYTHING through Christ who strengthens you.
Have a blessed and victorious day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in you heart and in your home.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Storms of life...
How many times do you hear someone say, "Where is God? or "God has abandoned me!" when they are going through a tough time?
Why do you think people automatically assume that God is not around? What does His Word say?
It says, "Be strong! Be of good courage! Do not be in awe! Do not be terrified of them! The LORD your God, it is He Who is going with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
It would not be called "faith" if God intervened as soon as a problem popped up. How would we ever learn to wait upon Him and trust that He will show up right on time? It is so easy to have faith when everything is going well but it is through adversity that our faith grows stronger.
So when you are put in that situation, thank God for the opportunity to show your faith in Him. Praise him, thank Him and keep your countenance uplifted and joyful...that speaks volumes to those around you.
Have a blessed and faith filled day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Happy Shavout...
Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, is the second of the three major festivals with both historical and agricultural significance (the other two are Passover and Sukkot).
Agriculturally, it commemorates the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple, and is known as Hag ha-Bikkurim (the Festival of the First Fruits). Historically, it celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and is also known as Hag Matan Torateinu (the Festival of the Giving of Our Torah).
The period from Passover to Shavu'ot is a time of great anticipation. We count each of the days from the second day of Passover to the day before Shavu'ot, 49 days or 7 full weeks, hence the name of the festival.
Shavout is important for Christians because it ties deliverance and salvation celebrated at Passover with Y'shua's (Jesus) crucifixion to His resurrection. On First Fruits of Unleavened Bread, His ascension forty days later, then His sending the immersion, saturation, of the the Holy Spirit on the First Fruits of Shavout. This gives us the power to live victorious lives to witness to all non-believers by the way we live.
Have a blessed Shavout, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home.
Monday, June 2, 2014
What does God say about Forgiveness...
While may Scripture proclaim forgiveness of sins, there is an order, a formula to obtaining forgiveness. That order is:
1. Forgive Others - There is one precondition, without which no amount of repentance can bring forgiveness. That is, the sinner must forgive everyone of every little thing before God will accept the sinner's repentant heart. See Matt 6:12 ONM
2. Forgive Yourself - You cannot make things right with god until you make things right wiht everyone, and that includes yourself. See Eph 5:28
3. Seek Forgiveness from Others - In seeking forgiveness form someone you are automatically confessing to that person. See Matt 5:22-24
4. Repent - Without action, a change in behavior, there is not true repentance. We must resolve not to repeat the mistake. See Ezek 18:30
5. Forgiveness from God - there are 3 verses that clearly state God's position on forgiveness. See Exod 34:7, Isa 43:25 and Jer 31:33
6. Clean Slate - Our merciful Father forgives and forgets. Our All-Knowing Father is NOT forgetful, He erases them - so they never happened! See Isa 43:25
Thank you Y'shua (Jesus) for dying for my sins and the sins of all Your chosen ones!
Have a blessed and forgiving day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
The Body Achieves What the Mind Believes....
90% of any battle is in our minds. If we believe we can do something...we WILL do it. If we believe that something is to hard, we will STRUGGLE with it. It is just that simple!
We were created so wonderfully complex! God's workmanship is marvelous He designed our brain to be a powerful organ and we should use it to our benefit rather than detriment.
We need to ingrain Philippians 4:13 in our minds. "I have strength to overcome all things in the One Who strengthens me."
Have a blessed and positive day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home!
We were created so wonderfully complex! God's workmanship is marvelous He designed our brain to be a powerful organ and we should use it to our benefit rather than detriment.
We need to ingrain Philippians 4:13 in our minds. "I have strength to overcome all things in the One Who strengthens me."
Have a blessed and positive day, my friend. May there always be Shalom in your heart and in your home!
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